Wall Lights

Explore the range of sconces within our collections, each meticulously crafted to elevate your space with elegance and style. Whether you seek the timeless charm of traditional designs or the sleek sophistication of modern aesthetics, our wall lights are designed to complement any interior décor scheme. Click on the images to explore the possibilities within its collection.

Wall lights.

Illuminate your space with a subtle yet impactful touch – our collection of wall lights redefines ambiance. Seamlessly blending with other lighting sources, these fixtures bring a transformative charm to your space, creating a mesmerizing atmosphere that reflects your style.

MGL HDR scaled


  • Polbeemd 3
  • NL-5741 TP Beek en Donk
  • The Netherlands
Beek en Donk is part of
Brainport Area Eindhoven
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